The Inner Circle
Join The Inner Circle and have access to never seen before events here at Greyfriars Vineyard. Our most exclusive membership, The Inner Circle is capped to just 20 individuals who receive bespoke, personalised customer service and much, much more.
12-Month Membership
Starts From Date of Signup
How It Works
1. This exclusive 12-month membership starts from the date of signup.
2. It includes:
- Spring Case Delivery: 3 bottles of sparkling wine and 3 bottles of still wine, individually selected by us based on your personal preferences.
- Christmas Case Delivery: Personalised selection of 3 bottles of sparkling wine and 3 bottles of still wine.
- Birthday Case Delivery: Enjoy your birthday with a case of 6 wines, chosen by you.
- 20% Discount: Buy our wines online and at our Cellar Door Shop at the vineyard, 20% off.
- 3 Complimentary Vineyard Tour and Tasting Vouchers: Receive 3 tour and tasting vouchers for you and a plus one (included in your first shipment), to be used anytime thoughout the year.
- The Inner Circle's Events: Hosted throughout they year, receive invitations for you and a plus one to exclusive, complimentary events throughout the year, including the winemakers dinner.
- Priority Access: Beat the crowd to special tasting events - get your tickets before they become available to anyone else.
- Priority Customer Support: Monthly 10 minute 1-1 calls to discuss future special events and your avaiability for them, your palate preferences and new wine releases we believe you may like.
3. Membership is £399 for the 12-month duration and includes all the benefits as well as the two wine shipments listed above.Â
How do you know my personal preferences?
During your first 10 minute one to one call our expert team will get an understanding of your personal palate, i.e. what flavours and aromas you like.
When will I get my Spring and Christmas case deliveries?
Spring 2022 Delivery: Despatch Wednesday 25 May
Christmas 2022 Delivery: Despatch Tuesday 6 December
N.B. All wine club shipments come with tasting notes for the wines from the winemaker and suggested food pairings from a former sommelier for Michelin-starred restaurants.
Purchase your membership below.
The Members Club
To join the exclusive Members Club, please select '1' as the quantity and click the Checkout Button to complete our Membership Form.
£399.00Sale ended